+218 512742860 investment@mfzly.com

Here, at a height of 40 meters above earth surface, only diligent work and cold winter breeze interrupt silence.

A technical failure in the tightening cables of the operating vehicle stopped one of the gantry cranes in the port for nearly four months caused delays in unloading ships, for longer periods, and lost costs.

Having requested a foreign company to come and fix the problem, which has been answered by reluctance and payment requirements, a group of engineers and technicians from the Ground Maintenance Department, filled with determination to succeed and self-confidence to achieve creativity, could not help but taking the initiative to make an attempt.

The team proceeded to inventory work requirements and reach out to local factories of spare parts. Within 5 days, this effort culminated in fixing the problem and starting the final operating tests of the crane, saving a lot of effort, time and money.

All greetings and appreciation for the efforts made by this team.

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