+218 512742860 investment@mfzly.com

The Administration of Misurata Free Zone announces intentions to sell (cars, trucks, buses, various cranes, grain suction machines, scrap machinery and equipment) by public auction at Misurata free zone headquarters.

For the terms of sale and inspection, please review the bulletin boards at the main headquarters of Misurata Free Zone, the Sale Committee and the website of Misurata Free Zone on Saturday, Sunday and Monday,  10-11-12/05/2014, bearing in mind that the dates of sale will be as follows: –

First: Tuesday 13/05/2014 is dedicated to the bidding on cars, trucks and buses.

Second: Thursday, 15/05/2014, is dedicated to bidding on winches, grain suctions, and various machines and equipment.

The Sale Committee

The Administration of Misurata Free Zone announces intentions to sell (cars, trucks, buses, machines and equipment) by public auction at Misurata free zone headquarters, according to the following terms: –

  1. The items offered for sale are inspected in Warehouse No. (15) and the square opposite the land workshop specified for display in Misurata Free Zone as of Saturday, 10/5/2014 and for a period of three consecutive days between 9 am. and 6 pm.
  2. Each of the above-mentioned items shall be sold in the condition displayed when the auction was held; the person who was awarded the auction shall not have the right to refer to the Misurata Free Zone Department for any reason whatsoever.
  3. The selling dates for each of the items offered for sale by public auction were determined according to the following:
    1. Tuesday 13/05/2014 is set as the date for selling cars.
    2. Thursday, 15/05/2014 is set as the date for the sale of machinery and equipment.
  4. Whoever applies to purchase any of the items offered for sale must submit prior to the auction session a security deposit of 500 LYD (five hundred dinars in cash or a certified check). Bearing in mind that only those who have submitted the deposit can be allowed to participate in the auction, the deposit will be returned to those who have not been awarded the auction.
  5. A security deposit for entering the auction is collected between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m., starting from Saturday 10/5/2014, up to the day specified for conducting the auction for each of the items on sale.
  6. The sale by public auction shall be opened at 10 o’clock in the morning of each of the days specified for sale.
  7. The successful bidder must pay 20% of the awarded value of the auction immediately upon award, pay the rest of the price within three days from the date of the auction by the latest, and transfer the item purchased at his expense within a week from the date of the auction. In case of failure to abide by the above, the administration of Misurata Free Zone has the right to offer that item for sale again at the expenses of the bidder, besides charging him with all proceeds and expenses incurred and no returns of what has been paid.
  8. The administration of Misurata Free Zone is obligated to issue a statement of sale to the successful bidder, and it is not obligated to complete any procedure subsequent to the sale process.
  9. The administration of Misurata Free Zone is not obligated to sell in case the price does not reach the estimated value of each of the items offered for sale.

For any inquiries, visit the administration of Misurata Free Zone or the Sales Committee in charge at the headquarters of Misurata Free Zone daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or contact the telephone numbers

0512742731, 0512742860, email: mfz@mfzly, or check the website of Misurata Free Zone www.mfzly.com

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